Les Conférences, Association française d’astronomie
Plus de trente conférenciers qui font l’actualité astronomique et spatiale vous convient à un voyage extraordinaire jusqu’aux frontières de la connaissance. Il y est question de cosmologie, d'espace, de planétologie, d'histoire des sciences, de physique fondamentale, de biologie... Connus pour leur aisance, leur propension à nous faire vivre les découvertes, leur aptitude à expliquer simplement […]
CRAL@Obs seminar by John Chisholm (UT Austin)
ObservatoireJWST’s GLIMPSE: A view of the faintest galaxies in the first billion years of cosmic time -- Faint high-redshift galaxies in the early universe constrain the properties of dark matter, the early build-up of stellar mass, and which sources reionized the early universe. The first two years of JWST observations have revealed a wealth of […]
CRAL@Obs seminar by Antoine Rocher (EPFL)
ObservatoireGalaxy-halo connection in cosmology with wide spectroscopic surveys -- Since the early 2000s, wide spectroscopic surveys, in particular multi-fibre experiments, have provided significant insights into the three-dimensional distribution of galaxies and quasars in the Universe, by constraining cosmological parameters through precise measurements of the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) scale and the non-linear growth rate of […]
CRAL@Obs PhD Defense by Théo Santos (CRAL, LGL)
ObservatoireGenerative neural networks for parametrization in inverse methods: applications in astrophysics and geophysics In physical science, it is common to study the characteristics of an object that are not directly available but which certain effects within the physical system are observable. The observations can then be used to deduce the properties of the object of […]
CRAL@Obs seminar by Nicolas Dobigeon (IRIT)
ObservatoireMultiband image fusion under spectrally varying spatial blurs — Application to JWST data Multiband image fusion has been extensively studied in the literature of Earth observation. This task aims at recovering a multiband image of high spatial and high spectral resolutions from complementary measurements of lower spatial or spectral resolutions. While several methods developed in […]
CRAL@ENS internal seminar by Armand Leclerc
ENSNew tools from wave topology for asteroseismology Asteroseismology studies waves in stars and uses them to infer what their internal structure is. Today, hundreds of stars of every kind show oscillations which allowed us to deduce their mass, radius, rotation rate, width of convective zone, etc. Wave topology proposes a new light under which to […]
CRAL@Obs seminar by Nathan Hara (LAM)
ObservatoireDetecting Earth-analogs with radial velocities and photometry Abstract: Understanding how planets form and searching for life beyond Earth are two key goals in exoplanet research. To make progress on both fronts, it is crucial to discover Earth analogs. However, detecting them is a major challenge, as their faint signals are difficult to disentangle from astrophysical […]
CRAL@Obs seminar by Joe Lewis (IAP)
CRAL@Obs seminar by Valentina D’Odorico (INAF)
CRAL@Obs seminar by Guillaume Bourdarot (MPE)
CRAL@Obs seminar by Nicolas Laporte (LAM)