New tools from wave topology for asteroseismology
Speaker : Armand Leclerc (ENS Lyon)
Abstract :
Asteroseismology studies waves in stars and uses them to infer what their internal structure is. Today, hundreds of stars of every kind show oscillations which allowed us to deduce their mass, radius, rotation rate, width of convective zone, etc. Wave topology proposes a new light under which to look at the wave equation, in order to obtain theoretical characterization of large-scale oscillation modes. This framework comes from quantum physics, and complement the classical theories of stellar oscillations. I will present its concepts, and show two new results obtained by it : a characterization of the fundamental mode n=0 at long horizontal wavelength, and a correction term for low n modes at short horizontal wavelength. Both these predictions are confirmed in the case of the Sun, opening perspectives for analytical low n modes seismology in other stars.